
August 2022 - Sports Day


Rudrappasamy School, hosted its first Annual Sports Meet on 24th August 2022with great zeal and excitement. The Chief Guest of the occasion was Dr.Nishanth and Dr. Shruthi Nishanth, Clinical Director of MN Eye Hospital. Aspectacular march past by the students of all five houses — Aqua, Ignis, Locus,Terra, Ventus -- was presented in complete unison and was a thrilling sight forthe spectators . The event commenced with a melodious welcome song by theschool choir. The Chief Guest, in his address emphasised the importance ofsports in a child’s life and appreciated the students for their enthusiasticparticipation in the Sports Carnival.

The winners of the various Interschool events and the awardees took part inthe Torch Run and lit the Torch. The students took the oath administered bythe School Sports Captain. The Chief Guest declared the meet open. Thedignitaries then released the dove as a symbol of peace. Once the races began,the air was filled with cheering for the young athletes. The highlights of theSports Carnival were 100 mtrs ,200 mtrs , 400 mtrs running and 4x100 mtrsrelay. The students displayed various drill performances with colourful props.

The Chief Guest, congratulated the participants on their enthusiastic display oftalent and spirit of sportsmanship. He appreciated the competitive spirit andencouraged them to pursue their goals with grit, determination andperseverance. He also wished them luck for their upcoming endeavours. Therewas a lot of enthusiasm amongst the children. The day was concluded with theVictory Ceremony.

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