
January 2021 - Republic Day

Republic Day Celebration

The 72nd Republic Day was celebrated with pride and patriotism onJanuary 26, at the school premises. This day is celebrated every year,since 1950 to commemorate the Indian Constitution replacing theGovernment of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India. Inadherence to Covid - 19 safety protocols the students were exempted fromparticipation in school premises, hence the school had arranged for the livestreaming of the celebration, which they had enjoyed watching from home.

The students had their virtual celebration of Republic Day on 25th Januarybetween 10.00am to 11.30am, with a meaningful Cultural Programme fromKG - Grade VIII, which was organised by our KG teachers.On 26th Jan, the ceremony began at 7.20am with the prayer and the Chiefguest of the day was Smt. Meera Appasamy, who was felicitated by ourrespected Principal madam, Mrs. Premila Jayasankar. The National Flagwas unfurled by the Chief guest Smt. Meera Appasamy, followed by theFlag song, sung by teachers. As a part of the celebration, the faculties ofRudrappasamy School had performed a scintillating march past, which wasreally a moment of pride. The program ended with the formal vote of thanksand the celebration came to an end by singing the National Anthem.

Freedom has not come easy, it is because of the sacrifices of our freedomfighters. Let us take a pledge that we would not let the efforts of our bravefreedom fighters go in vain. We should strive to make our country the bestin the world - "Jai Hind".

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